Outsider’s Armour

2020 / 3D

Rebecca Heade

Project 1

Outsider’s Armour

Turning hurtful labels into protective armor for an outsider

From the moment our birth sex is announced we are expected to act how society believes a boy or girl should act. If there is someone who has interests or even behaves in a way that doesn't follow this gender norm, people would label them an 'outsider'. When someone is dubbed an outsider they would experience having negative being associated with them. For this project my goal is to turn negative words that are used to hurt an outsider and recreating them into beautiful pieces of armor to protect them.

Nerd Mask

Definition of Nerd: “An unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person especially: one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits”
I wanted to make something that protects a person’s face because of COVID-19. The piece is a simple black mask with the ‘Nerd’ pattern etched into the leather, giving the mask an extra layer of protection.

Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 1 Chocolate side

Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 1 Black side

Definition of Freak: “A thing, person, animal, or event that is extremely unusual or unlikely, and not like any other of its type”
For the word ‘freak’ I wanted to experiment with the size of the letters. I went with a descending order from the letter ‘f’ to ‘k’ in the word ‘freak’. When I got the size I wanted for each letter I manipulated it to create new shapes and trimmed any excess lines on my CAD program. For the ‘Freak’ designs I wanted to emphasize the aspect of armor. I tested the shape of the object with the pattern for ‘Freak’ to create a beautiful yet strong piece of jewellery to be used as protection for the outsider. Making knuckle dusters, armor for the spine and collarbone for the wearer.

Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 2 Chocolate side

Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 2 Black side

Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 3 Chocolate side

Model wearing Freak Reversible Knuckle Duster 3 Chocolate side

Freak Collarbone Protector

Freak Spine Protector 1

Freak Spine Protector 2

Weird Elizabethan Collar

Definition of Weird: “Of strange or extraordinary character: Odd, Fantastic”
Weird is one of the common words used to describe an outsider. At first, I was having trouble on how to create a design with this word and then I saw an image of Elizabethan Collar, that was my inspiration. When I researched Elizabethan Collars and I saw that they were sometimes made with lace. I decided to try to combine the Elizabethan Collar pattern with the word ‘weird’ and creating the gloves that echo the collar

Weird Gloves

Weird Objects worn by man

Weird Objects worn by woman



Silvina Sisterna /

2022 / Fine Art



Silvina Sisterna /

2022 / Fine Art
